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Writer's pictureTracey Clelland

The People We Attract Reveal an Interesting Reflection of the True You

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

The People We Attract Reveal an Interesting Reflection of the True You.

Have you noticed that you keep attracting people with traits similar to your life?

That's because those people are reflecting attributes that you have about yourself.

There is a famous saying: We are the sum of the five people we spend the most time with.

Good or bad, the people you attract, show you something you hold within yourself. However, it can be challenging to recognise your negative traits, which can lead to resentment toward specific people you attract into your life.

Life is full of vibrations, energy, and how we interact with the world, and how the world will interact back to you.

According to ancient Egyptian and many other cultures like ancient Hawaiian cultures, 12 universal laws were implemented to help us understand life so we could make the most of it.

Have you ever heard of one of them: the law of attraction? In its purest simple form, this law says that the energy you receive is what you give out to the universe.

Many people refer to it as the law of mirroring or reflection, meaning that it is who you are on the inside that reflects the people and situations you are attracting into your life. Therefore the theory is everyone you meet is a mirror of you.

Everyone has a distinct lens, which helps them see the world through because, as humans, we see the world based on what we know about ourselves.

Whether we know it or not, we expect people to behave and act the same way we do and appoint people to the same standards we hold for ourselves.

It makes sense that the people we attract are similar to us. It can be easy to recognise this in our good relationships - after all, we like to believe we are good people. Still, it is hard to realise that the traits we hate in ourselves reflect the qualities we hate in ourselves, and we can't control who we meet in our life, but we can choose whether to keep them or not.

If we keep people who are negative in our life that make us feel sad or worthless, it may be time to look within and ask ourselves;

Do I feel worthy of love?

Do I respect myself?

Do you love yourself?

You may have found the reason, if you answer no to any of the above.

The people we attract tell us a lot about ourselves, so we can make a lot of self-discoveries based on the people that enter our life.

The negative people who enter our life are trying to teach us a lesson. We have areas in our life that need to heal or improve, and we see that when people are hurting, it's only natural for hurt people to hurt other people. Being open to receiving the information will help you make the positive changes that will bring better people into your life.

We don't attract bad people because we are horrible people; instead, it's because we lack the self-esteem to reject them from our lives, leading us to continue to have them in our lives.

You may find that everyone you meet treats you a certain way. You may need to pause and take a deeper look to see. Is it them, or is it me? It is difficult and painful sometimes to recognise these traits within us, but only when we recognise these terrible traits and start to work on ourselves do we improve and attract better for ourselves.

Everyone we meet is an opportunity to learn and discover something new about ourselves and our personalities.

We use these people to show us the qualities we may need to heal and to learn to improve our specific behaviour or traits in these uncomfortable situations.

This comes back to the lack of self-love and self-esteem most people experience, so how do we change that in us?

Before focusing on changing ourselves, we must first learn to accept ourselves for who we are.

Accepting love and respect for ourselves is easier said than done. Nevertheless, we need to learn how to love the person who stares back at us in the mirror.

It's about learning more about yourself to discover what you like about yourself and what you don't.

We can find a quiet place so that we can be open and honest with ourselves.

Make a list of why you feel you don't deserve love and with this, list why you don't deserve love and see if you can find why you feel unlovable or unworthy of respect. You may even find no actual evidence, but you still feel that there are reasons supporting this feeling of being unworthy of love and respect.

Many of us suffer from low self-esteem, and doing this exercise above can help people realise that not all our beliefs about themselves are true.

When we deal with low self-confidence, anxiety, or depression, our brains can trick us into believing we are unworthy. It can help us think that the reason we feel anxious is our fault, we're broken, but we are not. You just need healing.

Next time question yourself why you feel unworthy. Change the neurons in your brain and tell yourself that you are worthy of love and respect. When we attract similar people into our life, we must make sure we are giving back those same levels of love and respect.

If we can take charge and learn to take small steps to help improve things, we can't change and learn to accept and be grateful for what we have. Learn to accept your imperfections, and never forget everyone has flaws so you can be flawed too.

So don't be afraid to demand better from the people you have in your life because a big part of us attracting people is to help us set healthy boundaries for ourselves that we are firm with.

When we learn to accept ourselves as we are and realise how worthy our love is, we can focus on healing and improving our life. In other words, ask yourself what kind of person you want to see yourself as or be. It's a huge question to ask ourselves, but it is crucial to learn so you can work towards the people you want to attract into your life who reflect the better aspects of you.

We are creatures of habit, and we fear change and prefer to stay with the familiar; we love living in our comfort zone, but there is no growth in that comfort zone.

And for this reason, we need to be straightforward with ourselves and find our bad habits and old beliefs so we don't continue to attract the same types of people into our life that will keep us in a hostile zone. It doesn't feel nice, but it is familiar and comforting...

So how do you start to create the changes in yourself to heal and attract better people to learn from?

By focusing on being present and asking yourself, are these conditions around me presenting me with signs of healing?

To change, we need to heal aspects of ourselves internally. It is far easier to know you need to heal than go through the process; just remember that we don't have to do it alone. There is no shame in asking for help to heal. When we ask for help in healing, it is one of the bravest, most courageous things you can do for yourself.

By creating a list of personality traits and actions, we admire in others, that we would like to manifest in ourselves...and make small changes that help us address this, we can be the person we feel more comfortable being, which leads to attracting people that resonate with the behavior, that vibrations we are putting out into the world.

If you feel that the people you attract are dragging you down, pay attention to what they may reflect in you. Use every person that comes into your life as a way to learn about yourself, heal and improve. Keep the people who lift you up and demand better of you than those who drag you down, all by changing those characteristics within yourself.

Raise the bar. Don't be afraid of your imperfections. We all have them, but if we work on wanting to change within, we will find ourselves attracting people and situations that make us much happier. No matter what, remember where you are in your healing journey; you are always worthy of respect and love, so don't settle for anything less.

Over time you will find that you will attract the people that make you feel

a passion within you, a renewal of your life.

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